CTR Ring Shop.com Blog!

My name is Brandon and I am the owner of CTR Ring Shop.com, a website that sells CTR rings. I created this blog because in the process of selling CTR rings, I had the opportunity hear so many inspiring CTR ring related stories. I figured there are enough Latter-day Saints with uplifting stories that could inspire so many others, as they have me. Through these stories, we can truly learn what CTR means. Feel free to share your story and check back often, as a new story will be posted as often as often as possible! Enjoy!


A Child Role Model

I purchased my CTR ring in July of 2007, right before my Baptism in September. I was so proud of my ring and didn't want to ever take it off!! A very close friend of mine, who helped me with my Baptism, had her little girl (9 yrs old) look at my ring. She fell in love with it! When in church, she sat next to me and told me how proud she was that she was in the "True Church", and that she had just made money with an extra chore....she had her Tithings in a baggie (all change of course).....and was beaming!! I told her that she was a "Beautiful Child of Heavenly Father" and I was lucky to have such a great role model!! She was very taken back by my comment...how can a grown up have a younger role model? I explained to her that we are all children of God...and that we can all learn from each other...no matter the age....she smiled...I smiled...and gave her my ring. That was a year ago....she still has yet to take it off!!

Suzette Robedeau
Las Vegas, NV

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